The thin-skinned men please be advised before reading this.
But the more I talk to former classmates, close friends, business associates and women, the more I find that the disease of LAZINESS has crippled us as men on this planet like never before. Where is our sense of purpose?
I had a man recently tell me that he spends most of his days playing video games and watching TV while his wife is working to pay the bills. He brags about being able to beat everyone in NBA Live or Call To Duty. What?
I had another one tell me that over these last 12 years since we've been out of high school, he has worked only at fast-food joints because he didn't want to finish college although he had a full scholarship. Plus he says there is no pressure to improve at his present job. What?
I had a female classmate tell me that she has had three children by a man who has a good paying job but he refuses to take care of his children. Instead he spends most of his money on taking trips, spending lavishly on others, and making sure he looks good in his Lexus. She works two jobs to pay for daycare. What?
Then there was a brother who told me he wants to own his own business one day, yet does not feel like putting in the work to build it up--so he chooses to go to his unhappy cubicle everyday at his corporate job. Plus he admitted that he is afraid of failing so he spends his spare time just going to night clubs when it could be used to fulfill his ideas. What?
Oh yeah and let me not forget my former co-worker who is 35-years-old and still stays with his single mother because she has a soft spot for him and won't kick him out although he's unemployed right now. He doesn't help her with the bills, uses her car until there is no gas in it, and won't even get up in the morning to take out the trash. What?
What about the community issues? We now think that all of a sudden our problems have been solved because we have a Black President, so many of us as men no longer want to operate youth programs, build institutions, stop sexual predators, stand up against injustices, lead an organization, support a cause or rid our 'hoods of crime.
Instead we have become intellectual experts who only want to be skilled at "barbershop sciencing" on what the problems are but yet won't put our hands to the plow to BE the change....we have even fell in love with gossip.
Where is our sense of purpose as men? Many of us fluently speak the language of "swagger", "grinding", "hustling", or "stacking paper", but at the end of the day many of us are not putting in real work to help ourselves and others.
The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad advises us in the book "Message to the Blackman in America" that there is a refuge prayer that we should all recite at least seven times a day. Part of that prayer says "Oh Allah (God) I seek Thy refuge from lack of strength and laziness".
I have been reciting that prayer since I was a freshman in high school and I am now understanding why we have to seek refuge from laziness. It aborts one's ability to be a reflection of God (Who is not lazy) and the ability to exercise the innate powers that are within all of us. God says "Be and It Is" and we can too.
But "Be and It Is" is not by chance but with mathematics...cause and effect.
So when I say "Seek and Destroy All Lazy Men", I mean set fire to that mindset by acknowleding those men that are being a good example, executing our plans, taking care of our responsibilities, encouraging one another, and leaving our mark by being men of purpose.
Sisters you can help in this process as well by not taking care of lazy men and mothers PLEASE kick that lazy grown son out of your home....he will thank you later for it. Trust me....the elephants do it all the time.
Let's Eliminate Excuses.
Bro. Jesse
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